Living in a big city.
I came to Northern Ireland because I like travelling, and because I wanted to embrace a new culture and have a more rounded opinion.
Coming from a small community, the idea of living in a big city appealed to me.
I’m studying English and creative writing, at Queens University, Belfast, only because I enjoy it.
A lot of my friends did law and chemistry, where they would have good job prospects. I just really enjoy poetry
and would like to be a journalist, live in another country, and write poetry.
My favourite poets are Grace Nicholls, and of course, Seamus Heaney.
Grace Nicholls is a Caribbean poet, who came to England in the 1950’s during the depression.
She writes a lot about her homeland, how coming to England affected her, and how she missed hurricanes.
When I’m older, I’d like to do many things. I don’t really want to do the same thing for more than five years.
I’d like to be an opera singer, write books, be a journalist, and I’d like to travel. Nothing is concrete, yet.
I like the idea of living in communities, and looking after each there, instead of focusing on self and material possessions.
I like the idea of communism, but don’t think anyone has seen that work yet. I don’t like the idea of borders and boundaries, and I don’t like that poorer people can’t travel.
There needs to be more opportunities for people to travel, and for acceptance.
Grace (Derbyshire, England)
At The Mac, Belfast.
Story by Bout Yeh photographers Belfast