Mark, Portrush, Northern Ireland - photo 6285.

Why live anywhere else!

Music and computers and the sun shining makes me happy.
My music is what inspires me to do what I do.

I’m one of those lucky people. I enjoy my work. I’m a busker, or street entertainer, whichever you prefer.

I live up the road in Dhu Varren, and when the sun is shining on a weekend, and you have the beautiful Portrush beaches around you, why would I even dream of going anywhere else to play! 

I remember as a child Portrush being something special to me.

I was born in Belfast, at Musgrave Park Hospital many, many years ago in 1963.

During the hight of The Troubles, my mum and dad decided to move out of Belfast. So we spent about five years in Antrim.

I think when you get to the age of 16-17 you want to see something different. You get bored with the streets you live in. So I went to Scotland and England, where I met a lovely girl from St Helen’s near Liverpool and we got married. I stayed there about 25-30 years. As things happen, we had some problems, and my mum wasn’t so well, so I came home again.

I was looking in Antrim for somewhere to live and my brother suggested I live in Portrush. I said, yeah well I couldn’t afford to live in Portrush!

As it turns out it’s cheaper to live in Portrush than Antrim!

Mark (Portrush). Stage name, Marcus Jay (Facebook link).

At Arcadia Beach Cafe and Art Gallery, Portrush.


Photography: Bout Yeh photographers Belfast

Mark, Portrush, Northern Ireland - photo 6277.

Photography: Stephen S T Bradley for Bout Yeh

Mark, Portrush, Northern Ireland - photo 6280.
Mark, Portrush, Northern Ireland - photo 6270.
Mark, Portrush, Northern Ireland - photo 6275.
Mark, Portrush, Northern Ireland - photo 6282.


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