Sophie Rofe arrives to celebrate her granny Gabrielle's birthday using Covid19 social distancing techniques - photo 0939

Granny Gabrielle’s Covid19 Birthday.

When it’s your granny’s birthday during Covid19 lockdown, what are you going to do?

You take that one allowed daily exercise route right past her front door and stay the minimum two meters from your favourite gran.

Because I have a bad immune system, the Coronavirus scares me, said granddaughter Sophie Rofe. Even if you are a carrier or have symptoms, isolating for fourteen days is not enough, because you could then go out and get it again.

So, what I do is just stay at home. I’m really into my friends, I’m a girl’s girl, and I miss going out and about with them. 

My granny Gabrielle loves going out and seeing her friends, and it upsets me that she can’t do that now. We were going to start pilates and art classes together, and now we don’t have the chance.

I was in tears when I saw Sophie coming down the drive with my presents, because I knew I couldn’t give her a hug, said Gabrielle who celebrated her 66th birthday during Covid-19 lockdown.

I try not to think about the Coronavirus too much, but it hits you in the pit of your stomach worrying about those out working at the moment. My boyfriend is a taxi driver and while he has limited the work he does, he still works three days a week helping people get their shopping.

When all this is over, I’m going to rent a villa in Spain and invite everyone I didn’t get to meet with during the lockdown.

Gabrielle Bradley and granddaughter Sophie Rofe celebrate Gabrielle's birthday using Covid19 social distancing techniques - photo 0953

Photography: Bout Yeh (Stephen S T Bradley)

Gabrielle Bradley and granddaughter Sophie Rofe – at Poleglass, West Belfast.


Photography and Videography: Bout Yeh photographers Belfast

Gabrielle Bradley and granddaughter Sophie Rofe celebrate Gabrielle's birthday using Covid19 social distancing techniques - photo 0949
Gabrielle Bradley and granddaughter Sophie Rofe celebrate Gabrielle's birthday using Covid19 social distancing techniques - photo 0964
Gabrielle Bradley and granddaughter Sophie Rofe celebrate Gabrielle's birthday using Covid19 social distancing techniques - photo 0946
Sophie Rofe arrives to celebrate her granny Gabrielle's birthday using Covid19 social distancing techniques - photo 0939


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