Whats cooking!
I am a freelance cookery tutor, consultant, food writer, demonstrator and food event organiser, and teach cookery and nutrition classes all over. I also used to be a psychology lecturer, and have counselling qualifications.
I’ve seen this first hand, with people struggling with unemployment and self confidence issues standing up and telling their story in a room full of people, after working with the Princes Trust.
It’s amazing what people start talking about whenever they are cooking in groups. I teach classes with people who suffer from anxiety, depression and mental health issues.
When they are learning to cook, or learning to make bread, it tends to bring a lot of subjects up and a lot of forums for discussion.
It’s nice to be able to come up with an angle that will appropriately enable those conversations.
Most rewarding for me at the minute is teaching health and sugar awareness classes to young kids in West Belfast. Some of them have stopped drinking energy drinks. If that’s all I’ve done in life, that’s good enough for me.
Sugar creates it’s own cravings. It’s accessible and affordable. And it’s bad news.
Kim (kimclose.com, Bangor)
At Glenoe Waterfall, Glenoe.
Story by Bout Yeh photographers Belfast
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