PR videographers Belfast portfolio - Aladdin video screenshot 5 by Bout Yeh photography and video production services Belfast, Northern Ireland
  • Direction
  • PR videography
  • Video edit
  • Social Media formatted
  • Published to thousands accross Bout Yeh’s Social Media channels
Rather than a here we are, so come buy tickets video, this PR video was conceived to intrigue and engage as a linear story introducing event, characters, surprise bonus and call to action. Developed on the fly, with production input from theatre director and the pantomime’s primary cast member and producer, and filmed within 30 minutes after a show, this PR video production was edited to 1 minute 20 seconds for Facebook, and Twitter audience and 59 seconds to keep within time limits on Instagram.

PR videography: Bout Yeh (Stephen S T Bradley)

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The pantomime’s lead actor and producer, Ian, gives an overview to the show by introducing us to this family-friendly spectacular pantomime, Aladdin, and tells us the show’s location at the Courtyard Theatre.
One at a time, we are introduced to the main characters of the Aladdin pontomime including panto dame The Widow Twankey.
Aladdin introduces us to the pantomime’s baddy Abanazar.
After Aladdin has completed his walk, by bringing us to Santa’s grotto, we sum up by mentioning the name and location of the pantomime and introduce Santa who will give gift’s to each child after the show.
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